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Monday, August 5, 2013

1000 Redirect Toolkit Downloads Served

We’re celebrating today because after 10 releases, a lot of hard work, and a whole bunch of community contribution, Redirect Toolkit has recently surpassed 1000 downloads served. It’s quite a number for DNN world.

When we set out to build Redirect Toolkit we had one goal in mind, to make the DNN more powerful and easier to use. We wanted Redirect Toolkit to be a way for developers to effectively build all type all DNN redirects: user redirects, roles redirects, mobile redirects, variable redirects, random A/B testing redirects and a dozen more.

Looking at how far we’ve come since those early days, it’s clear that together we’re bringing that vision to life. We can quickly get caught up in the statistical data trivialising what it is actually important.

Those numbers represent real people in countries all around the world. Those people all around the world are starting businesses, or taking their existing businesses online using Redirect Toolkit. We must say that it’s an exciting and humbling feeling knowing that we’re impacting so many people on a daily basis, and that we have a community of developers  in you, who trust us enough to use Redirect Toolkit  on DNN portals you put your names on.

We Couldn’t Do It Without You

We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished and know, without a doubt, that we would not be where we are today without your support and feedback. Beyond the 1000 licenses, we are most proud of the confidence that you place in us every day when you use Redirect Toolkit in your work.

We have the utmost respect for you as professionals, peers and customers and we hope that you’ll continue to support us. Together we’ll  pave a road for much future innovation and exploration in the DNN space.

How We’re Celebrating

To celebrate this milestone we are running a Redirect Toolkit flash 5 days promotion. We will be giving 30% discount! Use the coupon code “KHGFJT” on checkout and you’ll receive 30% off your Redirect Toolkit license.

That’s a significant saving that for some might mean a new module to help cater for your customers better, for others that might be that little push you need to try out Redirect Toolkit for the first time.

Trust us, you won’t be disappointed. Go here and grab your licenses now  @ 30% OFF before it’s too late!

 ...Or download the trial first and play with live hands.

Thanks again for your support. We’ll check in again soon at our next big milestone on the road to 10000. With your support we have a feeling we’ll be there before you know it.
Author: Ionut Grecu
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Ionut Grecu

Ionut GrecuIonut Grecu

His work exists at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, comparative mythology and Online Marketing. Weird, right?

He doesn't just deal with DNN, he lives and breathes it.

DNN Sharp is his oyster and on a day to day basis, his role is to keep DNN Sharp's marketing engine firin

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DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

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