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Monday, October 28, 2013

Behind the Curtain: Action Form Secrets Revealed

If you have no interest in becoming a DNN forms builder genius, close this window immediately and go back to checking your Facebook page for the next 45 minutes.

However, if the thought of flying through Action Form settings with Jedi-like precision causes you to drool on your desk with excitement, then  watch the video tutorial below explaining the core concepts in Action Form (form templates, form tokens or form data, events, actions, layout, display mode, decoupled architecture and a few other) and then read on.

This video might blow you away...

Every day, we receive feedback  from DNN users that are completely lost, frustrated, and pretty much ready to give up to build DNN forms. We simply recommend them to download the trial and give Action Form a try.

…And  they usually have what Oprah calls an “Aha Moment”.  Once with Action Form installed, everything makes sense, and a whole new world of possibilities open up for them.

Now tell me, what could be better than that? The most inspiring experiences for us come about when we turn someone who hates DNN forms (because what they can get from existing DNN forms modules)  into someone who goes, “Wow, that’s really cool!” or “I had no idea a DNN form builder could do THAT!”

Why you should try Action Form?

Well, if you know there’s a lot you could be doing with a DNN forms builder, but you’re just not sure how. If you no longer want to settle for the status quo, and you want to challenge yourself to find a better, faster, and easier way to get the job done.

Most of all, you should evaluate Action Form if you are tired of having to work ON DNN forms instead of having DNN forms work FOR YOU.

Have I whetted your appetite for Action Form yet? Are you still drooling with excitement? Awesome.

Go grab yourself a towel, download Action Form Trial and evaluate it  and let's wrap this up...

And remember…we don't just sell software. We also GIVE AWAY knowledge. Completely FREE.  Just request a video tutorial or schedule an appointment!

To sum it up...

If after watching the video and trying Action Form you won't have an uncontrollable urge to shout from the rooftop "Action Form Rocks!" then something has gone horribly wrong and I’ll have to do some serious soul searching. See you behind the curtain!
Author: Ionut Grecu
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Ionut Grecu

Ionut GrecuIonut Grecu

His work exists at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, comparative mythology and Online Marketing. Weird, right?

He doesn't just deal with DNN, he lives and breathes it.

DNN Sharp is his oyster and on a day to day basis, his role is to keep DNN Sharp's marketing engine firin

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