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#4: Email verification - prevent users from registering with fake/disposable email addresses

1001 things you can create with DNN Sharp products

Watch Mihai detect fake/disposable email addresses with the awesome Email Verification Add-on. Know your audience and better target your marketing campaign with a few easy steps.

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#3: Calculations on values coming from different Action Form field types

1001 things you can create with DNN Sharp products

The third tip presented in this marathon is about Action Form, more specifically doing calculations based on values coming from various field types. Watch Mihai operate an awesome car configurator, using features such as body type, color and optionals. Of course, you can see in real time the total price of the selected features. Watch the full video for extra tips&tricks.

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#2: Handling Low Server Disk Space with DNN Sharp products

1001 things you can create with DNN Sharp products

Server running low on disk space? Watch what we're using on dnnsharp.com to handle this issue. Basically, we prevent this problem from happening by monitoring it constantly. 

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1001 things you can create with DNN Sharp products

#1 Create a Custom View template in Action Grid

We’ve had an amazing road so far here at DNN Sharp and this only makes us take it to the next level! Your feedback has made it all worthwhile. This is why we’re starting an amazing marathon with you! From now on, we’re going to present, one at a time, awesome things you can do with the DNN Sharp products: features, integrations and many tips&tricks.
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DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

«March 2025»

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