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DNN Email Verification Add-On - Bull’s-eye!

When it comes to marketing campaigns, each indicator should be carefully analyzed and followed. But sometimes, temporary emails, going to Spam Folder or getting banned by your Email Service Providers can seriously affect your business.

Well, your sales team will be very happy to hear about our new add-on. The DNN Email Verification Add-on connects your website or business application to your NeverBounce API Account for processing emails. 

This way, your emails will be filtered and checked and you can be sure that the information you send will go straight where you want it to be. You can now know for sure your audience with over 95% accuracy.

To use the Email Verification Add-on you need to have at least one of the following:
§  Action Form 3.8.480+ in order to use the Email Verification field validator
§ Action Form, Action Grid, API Endpoint, Sharp Scheduler in order to use the Email Verification action. Also, you will need a valid NeverBounce account that allows the add-on connection to the NeverBounce service.

Minimum requirements: DNN 7.2.1+ and ASP.NET 4.0+

Also, the first 5 customers get a 15% discount.

Read the documentation here, visit our site and buy the add-on.


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Alina SlapciuAlina Slapciu

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