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Important Security Update

One of the public APIs in Action Grid was found to contain and expose data which could have allowed attackers access to the server and other sensitive information. This information was visible to anyone, even to users that do not have access to see the page.

The exposed information contains sensitive data like: 

  • Server name
  • Host GUID
  • Site's absolute path on disk

We highly recommend all users to UPDATE their Action Grid modules to a minimum version of 5.0.87 (https://www.dnnsharp.com/download?p=AGRID&v=05.00.87) or any other build released after August 1st 2018.


The update needs to be installed on all sites that use Action Grid and have a DnnSharp.Common.dll (in /bin) file version smaller than 5.0.220. If your site has a dnnsharp.common.dll file version of 5.0.220 or bigger means the security issue is already fixed and no other action needs to be taken regarding this threat.

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Categories: General News, App Sharp, Web Sharp, Action GridNumber of views: 2340


Mihai StanciuMihai Stanciu

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