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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Join The Action Form Third-party Developer Team!

Let's dig up into some Action Form history... When we launched Action Form in 2010, we did so with the intention of it being a DNN forms module for all the people. Meaning that the module would be simple enough for the average user but flexible and extensible enough that other developers could build off it’s core in any way they wanted.

Soon we realized that Action Form is missing out by not properly engaging the developer community, so for the past 10 months we’ve taken and implemented much feedback from those who are using Action Form, which has been great. The result...

Action Form Is Now A DNN Forms Framework

Guys, based on your feedback, we’ve made the transition from Action Form being not just for the people but by the people.

What does this mean? Well, on the surface, Action Form is a great tool for creating forms for your DNN portal. We all know that.

...And with our extensions it is an extremely powerful tool for accomplishing all kinds of tasks. What you don't know, maybe, is that beneath the skin, and in the right hands, Action Form is form creation framework with unparalleled possibilities.

That means anyone can extend the module to do anything they want. Sure, there were written several extensions so far, but we would love to see more, and we’d love for them to be built by other developers.

There are many more extensions we would love to build, but we don’t have the time to build them as quickly as we, or other Action Form users, would like. Would you like to see an Action Form specific extension? So would we! You could build it and earn some money. Action Form users are already looking for ways to do more.

Find out more

Why Should I Join The Project?

In only few months Action Form growth as been incredible.
  • Trial Downloads +174%
  • Site Visits +216%
  • Sales +221%
The point is this, Action Form is growing and doing so at a rapid pace and we want to spread the love as much as possible. You’re getting on at the very beginning of something truly great.

How Can I Get Involved In This Amazing Opportunity?

I’m glad you asked. Create Action Form extensions and we’ll take care to sale them properly. We have the domain knowledge and the marketing expertise, you have the programming skills and the wish to build something great. Action Form users are already looking to find new and exciting features.

Did I mention that a part of the profits will go to you, the developer?  Of course I did, that would have been silly to leave that part out. To help you hit the ground running, we’ve prepared some video tutorials. Just in case you haven't seen them already, these videos shows you, step by step guide how to develop a simple action for Action Form.

We want Action Form to have the best possible extensions available for any DNN forms module… ever. And we want you to be rewarded for that effort.

Join the Action Form third-party developer team and  get started today.

That’s Our Pitch. Who’s In?

We look forward to seeing what amazing extensions our community creates!
Author: Ionut Grecu
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Ionut Grecu

Ionut GrecuIonut Grecu

His work exists at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, comparative mythology and Online Marketing. Weird, right?

He doesn't just deal with DNN, he lives and breathes it.

DNN Sharp is his oyster and on a day to day basis, his role is to keep DNN Sharp's marketing engine firin

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