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Friday, December 12, 2014

My Tokens 2.5 Is Here

Almost one week to go until Christmas, however here at DNN Sharp we didn’t got into the festive spirit yet because we’ve been working on bringing you awesome-ness this month. Your wishes have finally come true! After much work, we’re proud to announce the much-anticipated update to My Tokens with a lot of killer new features and streamlined abilities. My Tokens 2.5 just arrived!

How Can My Tokens Help Me?

I'm glad you asked...

Well, if you're marketer, My Tokens will help you to easily personalize content for your customers. This means you'll be able to implement content personalization in DNN with tokens that pull user specific information. 

In other words, using My Tokens you won't be stuck in the old marketing campaign mindset with messaging, execution, and delivery strategies that are out of context to the consumer. The marketing orchestration you'll be able to implement with My Tokens will result in a highly personalized experience for the customers that will map to each individual’s unique journey from discovery to purchase. You'll have an orchestrated approach to deliver consistent customer experiences which will result in higher revenue, increased loyalty, and greater internal efficiency.

If you're a power user, My Tokens will help you to pull data together to build dynamic content (metrics, dashboards, Google charts). Cool isn't it?

... And, of course, if you're a developer you can use My Tokens to expose data for content editors to use by easily integrating 3rd party systems (using admin console or C# assemblies).

What My Tokens Clients Have To Say

There were really many instances where we have seen the concrete benefits, the net effect My Tokens has on our clients’ well being. Having seen the below reviews for My Tokens, though, we can safely say that we do make a difference through our work… and that’s a great feeling...

I thought that DNN Sharp's Action Form module was awesome but this one (My Tokens) takes the prize. I used this module to pull the user's IP Address from DNN, retrieve users geo-location data with the IP address via MaxMind's REST API and then pass that geo-location data to our SalesForce.com web2lead form via Action Form. Simply Amazing. I am officially fans of these guys now. I may even put them on my Christmas card list. THANKS! Jeff C.
Hands down the best module I have installed! The My Tokens architecture is very powerful and if you know how to use DNN Tokens, this is a no brainer. If you are a developer who is still confused about how to develop a custom module for DNN, you can pretty much develop your entire module within My tokens. Kevin F.
All I can say is "Wow!" This is a really well thought out product with an excellent developer backing it up. The ability to use tokens for all kinds of purposes and integrations brings DNN to a whole new level. Add to that a company that is very knowledgeable and does what it says both timely and effectively and you have DNN Sharp.  Patricia E.
I'm a huge fan of all their products. My Tokens is nothing short of an amazing tool that any developer needs on every site. The support is incredible. I'd give this product 10 stars if I could.  Steve R.


Dozens Features

There have been a large number of changes, but most of them were covered in our webinar on "What's New in My Tokens 2.5", so I won’t get into details here. Without further ado, I'll just enumerate the some of the new features, improvements and fixes:

  • Azure compatibility
  • Run in medium trust
  • Implemented architecture to load tokens from config files
  • Added pass through authentication
  • Added methods to serialize objects to JSON
  • Implemented ability to pass more code value into the skin object token replacer
  • Support default value for profile tokens
  • Implemented new Tokenize skin object that only uses server side code (mainly because this also works with XMod)
  • Implemented debug mode for a list of IPs
  • Logging of template code for debugging purposes, with line numbers
  • Added button to clear logs
  • Ability to specify default value for TknParams in razor scripts
  • Ability to specify default values for TknParams
  • Ability to pass a dictionary when calling tokens from Razor in order to send the parameters - previously only a magic string was allowed
  • Added LogViewer.aspx to be able to view the log files in browser
  • Ability to specify connection string name as well in the Database tokens
  • Ability to invoke user tokens by knowing user email, ID or username
  • Ability to return the total number of matches from a xpath parser
  • Tokenize module header and footer in TokenizableContainer
  • Database tokens now support other database types specified in web.config connection strings
  • Ability to create non persistent cookies with SetCookie token
  • Added debug:printvars token
  • Added [Portal:CurrentLanguage] token
  • Added [User:IP] token
  • Added IF:Equals, If:DisplayIfNotEmpty tokens
  • Added String:Replace token
  • Added Profile:CountryCode and Profile:RegionCode tokens
  • Added [Tab:Title] token
  • Added UserRoles:ExpiryDate and UserRole:EffectiveDate tokens which accept a role id or role name as parameters
  • Added Guid:New and Guid:NewCompact tokens
  • Added HttpContextItems, Context, HttpContext synonyms
  • Added Url:PageName and Url:PageNameWithoutExtension tokens
  • Added DoMath token
  • Added Browser: tokens to expose browser capabilities
  • Added DoesNotHaveRole tokens
  • Added Tab:HasPerm and Tab:DoesNotHavePerm
  • Ability to display relative dates (for example [Date:Relative(Add="3 days")] or [Date:Relative(Add="-3 months")]
  • And many more...

Impressive, right?

Then what are you waiting for? Download My Tokens 2.5 now


Some Licensing Tweaks 

If you’re an existing My Tokens user, there are a few things I want you to know before you upgrade. 

1. Firstly, based on your feedback we've removed some licensing options:

  • the Standard license that worked for one domain only was replaced by the old Extended Standard license, so that now it will work for unlimited subdomains of a given domain. The price decreased from $149.95 to $129.95
  • the Server license was removed

If you already have one of the two license types that were removed, don't worry. You'll be able to upgrade to the latest version for 50% of the initial price. Just email us at support@dnnsharp.com.

2. To get the latest build you need to go to My Account > My Downloads while logged in on our website. 

Wrapping It Up

We’re really grateful to the My Tokens community for your patience during this update. We hope you enjoy this new version. For questions, issues, suggestions or feedback, please use the My Tokens forumWe can’t wait to see what you get up to with My Tokens 2.5!

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Author: Ionut Grecu
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Ionut Grecu

Ionut GrecuIonut Grecu

Ionut is a certified Scrum Master and Product Owner steeped in the art of the dreaded Agile Coaching. He enjoys shawarma and finding people who have never heard of Agile Methodologies so he can turn them into agilists.

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His work exists at the intersection of Agile thinking, anthropology, psychology, and Online Marketing. Weird, right? He doesn't just deal with coaching, he lives and breathes it.

After all, he wakes up every morning eating hot trends and topics for breakfast. He’s able to talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to topics like Coaching, Agile Methodologies, Process Optimization, Agile Project Management, Product Development, Six Sigma Quality Management, Lean Thinking, Business Process Management, Kaizen, Facilitation of Change, Lean Software Development, Kanban.

DNN Sharp is his oyster and on a day to day basis, his role is to keep DNN Sharp's teams engine firing on all cylinders.



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DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

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