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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Page Actions, A New Action Form Extension Is Out!

Time flies fast, doesn’t it? 3 years ago, in the distant 2010 we've released the first version of Action Form and today Action Form is one of the most popular form builder in DNN. And we hope that the market share will only increase in the near future. Isn’t it spectacular? 

So, if you need a form that just works and can be built quickly we believe Action Form will exceed your expectations by leaps and bounds. But if you think that Action Form is just a form creator you couldn’t be more wrong.

Action Form is an application development framework
(and it’s a super easy form builder also). We're so excited about what’s coming down around the corner. Be on the lookout on our future posts.  But get ready for a shock!

Action Form Is Under Extremely Active Development

Not a long time ago Action Form celebrated its anniversary but instead of drinking champagne and receiving congratulations, we worked hard on releasing a new Action Form extension. So, today is a significant date in Action Form history. You asked for more, so you got it. Page Actions, the second add-on in Action Form extensions arsenal is out!

Why use it?

Page Actions provides a simple way to work smarter, not harder when it's come to define role capabilities to manage DNN pages. Assign permissions to non-admins users to manage DNN pages, automatically create a new page, define where the page should go, what title should have and what template, based on a new registered user. It’s all there, and it’s easy. If you’re still here, keep reading Page Action features:
  • Create DNN Page
  • Load DNN Page
  • Update DNN Page
  • Delete DNN Page (Hard)
  • Delete DNN Page (Soft)
  • Permissions Grid
  • And a few more
Page Actions
As we can see, Action Form experience promises to be challenging!

Watch the getting started video tutorial below!

Okay, now I hear you grumbling: "But how do I know that Page Actions is what I need?" Chill out and take a look at Page Actions Demo ...and then grab your lasso and saddle up and buy it

If you're having any questions, our support staff is here to help. We will always get you back on the right track. Check our website and blog constantly, updates are coming!
Author: Ionut Grecu
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Ionut Grecu

Ionut GrecuIonut Grecu

His work exists at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, comparative mythology and Online Marketing. Weird, right?

He doesn't just deal with DNN, he lives and breathes it.

DNN Sharp is his oyster and on a day to day basis, his role is to keep DNN Sharp's marketing engine firin

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