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Part of DNN Sharp Gets Acquired

I have some great news for you. But before that, let me give you the boring introduction. It's been a long journey for me with DNN. I arrived in this space by accident. I was doing a lot of freelancing work back in 2006 and one client was keen on using DNN. And I said ‘why not?’. Three years later I had my first product on the store. It was called NavXp (because WindowsXp was the shiny thing at the time). Within a few hours there was the first purchase. I still get thrills when I remember that moment. I was literally jumping around the house. All the doubts vanished. I was filled with the energy to do more... a lot more. 

I became a coding machine. A few years and a dozen products later, I snapped. There was no more productivity that I could squeeze out of me. I was burnt out. But I wasn’t ready to give up. That’s when I started hiring people. Oh man, has that been a painful process. I was so used to do everything myself that I messed up by trying to micro manage the team. And then, when my divorce happened, I really snapped again. Only this time, a miracle happened. I wasn’t around the office so much anymore, so the people I was trying so much to control finally had their freedom. They took initiative. They made many mistakes and learnt from them. They flourished. And then, they became the only group I felt I belong to. We rely on each other and we learn together. 

That was one long introduction, but it’s actually part of the news I’m about to announce. 25% of the company now belongs to the team. Absolutely everyone in our team is also a shareholder in the company. This includes future members. Some folks told me that it was a bold and generous move on my side. But I don’t see it this way. I see it as the commitment we all made to continue the journey together and this journey still includes DNN. 

And, let me tell you, there’s one adventure after another waiting for us to be bold.

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Bogdan LitescuBogdan Litescu

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