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PayPal 2.1 - improve your payment experience

After weeks of hard work and rewarding breakthroughs, our teams is proud to present to you the newest version of PayPal: 2.1. In order to improve not only your experience with this add-on, but also your customers’, we included some extra features to ease and improve online transactions.

When making online payments, we want to make sure we are all working in a safe environment. Any error that may appear in the process greatly influences the business and the clients’ return rate. This is why we treated with high priority the bugs reported by our clients and we are pleased to announce that we fixed several of them.

Regarding the new features, we mainly focused on customization and safety. From now on:

1.      You can use recurring payment. Instant Payment Notifications for PayPal Express Checkout (for Action Form and DNN API Endpoint) allows you to receive notifications directly from PayPal. You can also settle a certain amount of money to pay in the beginning, different from the following payments.

2.    The new version has added logging to PayPal – so you can have a track of the errors you encounter

3.      You have the option to return values for PayPal Express Checkout

4.      You can select the number of days/weeks/months/years in the recurring billing period

Adding the original features, such as accepting credit card payments directly on your portal, keeping the customers on your portal after making a purchase, support for multiple currencies, Sandbox mode or choosing transaction type, PayPal 2.1 makes a must-have ingredient for a thriving business.

The minimum requirements for PayPal 2.1 are DNN 7.2.1, .NET 4.5, Action Form 3.8.320, DNN API EndPoint 1.2.97, Action Grid 4.0.178, Sharp Scheduler 2.1.83 and InfoBox 1.1.74.

For more information, you can access the documentation here and visit the store or our site. Hurry up, the first five customers have a 25% discount with the following code: PAYPAL2125

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Alina SlapciuAlina Slapciu

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