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Sharpening up - The Help Center, Beta Version

Being top vendor in DNN comes with certain responsibilities. Besides our amazing products, we concentrate our resources to offer the best support. Being aware of how important customer care is for you, we work consistently to sharpen our services.

To get a clear image of how relevant our support is, you should know that in the past year 1592 cases were opened, 9904 comments were written, with an average of 6.2 comments/case. 15% of our customers opened a case and we resolved all of them. Considering the fact that the majority of cases referred to integrations and licensing questions, we are pretty proud of our products’ quality and of making our customers happy.

Well, you could say we did a pretty good job, but we want to take a step further and do an even greater job from now on. We are now even closer to optimizing our services, as we are going to release a brand new app, The Help Center. Basically, we want it to replace the existing forum. Why, you ask? The Help Center will deliver better results, offering:

  • A more intuitive interface - Multiple sections such as Product Issue, License Issue, Premium Support, Custom Development and Specific buttons for specific modules/add-ons

  • Self-help - the possibility to add and search a ticket in order to find your answer as soon as possible. This way, you don’t depend completely on a support agent to solve your case, you may as well find a solution by yourself.

  • Real time tracking - you can easily check the status of your support tickets anytime you want and you’ll be notified immediately if your ticket status is changed, if someone comments or if a case manager is assigned

  • Automated workflows - your support ticket status will change automatically depending on the actions taken by you or our Case manager.

  • A view of all the tickets which are in progress – to see what we’re working at etc

  • A review of all the submitted, resolved and opened tickets – for you to have all the information you need at your fingertips

  • A clear image of how our modules and add-ons work together. If you know how to operate with our products, navigating through The Help Center will be as easy as 1 2 3. At the same time, you can get a glimpse of the utility of a certain product if you were wondering about it

OK, I’ll let you discover the rest of the features. It’s as awesome as it sounds like and we are eager to see it fully working. Your feedback is very important to us and we want to make our products as efficient and as client-oriented as possible. This is why we are offering early access to you and we are eager to hear your opinion about it. You should know that the version we release now is a Beta version and we are doing our best to fix all the issues and bugs that may come on the way.

Also, considering this app’s utility, we intend to offer it as a product for you and your customers. Imagine how easy it would be for you to communicate with your clients through The Help Center, better know their needs and dissatisfactions. Customer care is as important for you as it is for your clients and The Help Center is the perfect solution for that.

Send us a ticket, customize your account and let’s enjoy together this mind-blowing tool. E-mail us at support@dnnsharp.com to sync your DNN Sharp account. Visit the Help Center here: http://www.dnnsharp.com/helpcenter Cheers!

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Alina SlapciuAlina Slapciu

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DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

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