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Thursday, September 22, 2016

TabsPro integration in Action Grid - two ticks away from saving a lot of time

First impression matters. In a constant competition to keep the customers happy and attract new ones at the same time, every detail has a significant impact. This is why you want to make sure your site looks impeccable when a new client accesses it.

Because time is precious for everyone, the information needs to be clear, comprehensive and, more importantly, get to the destination ASAP. No one enjoys loading time, even if that means 3, 5 or 10 seconds. Those few seconds can make the difference and increase your bounce rate.

Load when Tab is activated

We already found a solution for you: from now on, when TabsPro meets Action Grid, loading problems vanish! Let us explain: we integrated two new options in Action Grid. You are literally two ticks away from saving a lot of time for your customers and yourself. The first option, Load when Tab is activated, allows you to initialize the grid only when the tab is activated. Instead of loading all the grids from all the tabs when accessing the site (and waiting all the necessary time for it), you will have the grids you need at the exact time when you need them.

Refresh Grid when tab.

Refresh Grid when tab is activated

The second option, Refresh Grid when tab is activated, updates (refreshes) the data coming from the data source as soon as you activate a certain tab. As you already guessed, that also saves a lot of time and increases efficiency. For instance, the modifications made by one of your colleagues on the site appear to you as soon as you activate a tab and that could save you a lot of trouble.

These two options come with Action Grid 4.0.174 and TabsPro 2.1.41. For more information, visit our site or the store. Cheers!

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Alina SlapciuAlina Slapciu

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