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A New Day For DNN Has Arrived. Sharp Look Is Here!

After months of hard work… the day has finally arrived. Sharp Look is here

Sharp Look has launched in a shiny way, in our way, at DNN Con. Doing things a little bit differently is how we plan to roll from here on out. Not just to be different, but to do things the way we want them done.

A huge thank you goes out to all of our beta testers.  Your insightful feedback and comments have already been developed into Sharp Look 1.0 and more ideas are planned for Sharp Look 1.1 and beyond. Yes, your feedback matters and you are helping us build a better Sharp Look. 

We also want to thank everyone who has tweeted about Sharp Look. With your support we have been able to stay focused on our customers and the development of our products, rather than worrying about marketing aspects.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

The DNN Revolution Is Here! Sharp Look Beta Is Out!

After months and months of hard work, coding, testing, debating, discussing, fixing, building, building, building and more testing … we’re getting very close.

Today we’re excited to announce that the Sharp Look beta software is released for those that joined the Sharp Look Beta Program. The journey to Sharp Look 1.0 begins now, and we would love for you to be involved. We have already opened the factory doors...

So what is the Sharp Look Beta Program ? Well, that’s what this article is ALL about… Let’s go through some specifics.
Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

We'll Be at DNNCon 2014 to Introduce to You The Next Big Thing for DNN!

The DNNCon countdown has begun. With just a few weeks to go, we’re full steam ahead planning and thinking at what we hope will be a phenomenal and valuable two days for the DNN community. We were selected to speak at DNNCon and we’ll be there to introduce you the next big thing for DNN!
Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

Reflections From DNN Connect 2014

Sharp Look Official Teaser

After many, many months of prep and thinking and work, DNN Connect is now a memory.  Amazing how so much work can go into something and just like that it’s over.  BUT, what an awesome experience!

Whenever family gets together it’s always interesting.  Any time you can bring together DNNizens in an environment where there’s plenty of pasta and wine it’s a good day.

Two months ago, we released a sneak peek of what aims to be a revolution in DNN. And once with DNN Connect this revolution has a name…

Guys, say hello to Sharp Look.

...A sleek skinning engine, touch optimized. It supports keyboard search like Windows 8, it introduces a new mode for designers (besides the traditional View, Edit, Layout), skins and panes can be designed in the layout mode without having to touch code and much more.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 4.5


In the last year we've seen a TON of changes. Most of these changes have not led to changes you’ve seen publicly… yet. Why you say? Well, there are several good reasons for this, they are all positive and all top-secret :). We can tell you that we have been working hard. We can also tell you, you’ll be seeing something “ambitious” very soon. Foreshadowing So far, the positive feedback from you has been overwhelming! With that, we’ve heard good ideas from customers in almost every walk ...
Author: Ionut Grecu
Article rating: 5.0

About Us

DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

«March 2025»

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