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Say Hello to URL Adapter 1.5

Say Hello to URL Adapter 1.5

Almost a year and a half ago, I posted on this very blog about the release of URL Adapter 1.4, and promised you that we’d be working our behinds off over the next months to make it even bigger and better.

And guess what, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing, and what a journey it’s been. Today we’re excited to launch URL Adapter 1.5.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

URL Adapter 1.4 Is Out! Your URL Rewriting Mission Control Center Is Here!

We’ve been relatively quiet here for a while, and it’s because we’ve been digging in and doing a lot of fun stuff to make you happier than ever. Our team is really starting to gel and find our groove, which means some truly excellent things are on their way.

I’ll start off right at the beginning by letting you to know that in the midst of a simmering summer, we’ve worked to a new cool release. Guys, URL Adapter 1.4 is out!
Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

URL Adapter 1.3 is Out - From Now On URL Rewriting in DNN Won't Be Rocket Science

Many people ask “Is DNN good for SEO or not?” and my final answer is: “Yes it is!”. DNN is the ideal software with which you can build any website: business, corporate, education, government, portals etc.

At the same time it is one of the easiest content management systems to set up, for many reasons, and good for the purpose of better rankings in search engines too. Who else wants their DNN portal to rank higher in search engines? A silly question, I know. Everyone does.
Author: Ionut Grecu
Article rating: 5.0

Announcing URL Adapter 1.2 - With Option to Specify a 404 Page And Many More

Paying attention to SEO on your DNN portal can mean the difference between ranking high on Google or being exiled to the search engine wastelands . One of the easiest ways to improve your SEO is to think smarter before hitting “Add Page” on your DNN portal.

When the all-seeing Google indexes your portal and decides which sites to prioritise over others, one of the factors it takes into consideration is your URLs.  
Author: Ionut Grecu
Article rating: 5.0

How to get back access after being locked out of your DNN portal

We realized that we haven’t given you guys much guidance on how to get back access after being locked out by URL Adapter. We’ve accidientally kept all the secrets to ourselves. So we put together a URL Adapter Survival Guide to share our ancient wisdom and the secret to URL rewriting success. It’s a common story... Configuring rewriting and redirects is a tricky job. There are some settings that can lock yourself out of your DNN portal. You created an infinite loop or an advanced ...
Author: Ionut Grecu
Article rating: 5.0

About Us

DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

«February 2025»

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