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A DNN MVP In Our Team. Let’s Celebrate Awesomeness!

Today we’re happy to announce that Bogdan Litescu, the Software Architect and the owner, by the way, here at DNN Sharp was recognized at DNN Con as a DNN Most Valuable Person (MVP).



Bogdan’s award marks the first time that DNN Sharp have achieved DNN MVP status. He is not only DNN Sharp’s first DNN MVP, but also the first DNN MVP from Singapore.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

Here We Grow Again

Heads-up, all. We continue with our rapid, carefully designed expansion…

We’ve got two new additions to the DNN Sharp family to introduce you to: Ovidiu and Daniel.

Frankly, we have a good amount of work to do in order to get everyone on the same page, and working together as a unit. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the team chemistry we’ve had up to this point, and know that things will just continue to roll on and improve.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

New DNN Sharp Team Members

2014 continues to gear up to being a huge year for DNN Sharp. Last moths see a massive 4 new staff members join our team. It is with great pride and joy that I look at our team to see the size and characters that make up the team, and the humble beginnings from which it began.

Some of them have been with us for more than a month, but we haven’t taken the time to introduce them to you. Better late than never: meet Claudiu, Ionela, Sebastiana and Adrian.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 5.0

Reflections From DNN Connect 2014

Sharp Look Official Teaser

After many, many months of prep and thinking and work, DNN Connect is now a memory.  Amazing how so much work can go into something and just like that it’s over.  BUT, what an awesome experience!

Whenever family gets together it’s always interesting.  Any time you can bring together DNNizens in an environment where there’s plenty of pasta and wine it’s a good day.

Two months ago, we released a sneak peek of what aims to be a revolution in DNN. And once with DNN Connect this revolution has a name…

Guys, say hello to Sharp Look.

...A sleek skinning engine, touch optimized. It supports keyboard search like Windows 8, it introduces a new mode for designers (besides the traditional View, Edit, Layout), skins and panes can be designed in the layout mode without having to touch code and much more.

Author: Anonym
Article rating: 4.5

Action Form 3.3 Is Now Live!

We mentioned it was coming, and now it's finally here. Today we are excited to announce that Action Form 3.3 is now available!  I know everyone has been waiting for this. So have we.

This is the culmination of several weeks of work to add some cool features in Action Form that will transform it into the DNN module it always had the potential to be: The best DNN form creator ever.
Author: Ionut Grecu
Article rating: 5.0

About Us

DNN Sharp is a leading provider with a proven track record in defining, designing and developing DNN Modules catering for a passionate community of thousands of users.

While our core focus is on DNN modules, our mission is to provide top quality products complemented by fast and reliable Customer support. We listen to our Customers and produce a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of our global audience.

«March 2025»

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